(03) 83161511

Advantec Draftstoppa

The DraftStoppa® is an innovative and inexpensive self-seal cover for ceiling exhaust fans containing a set of balanced shutters which open when the fan is turned on and close under their own weight when the fan is turned off. This Australian designed and manufactured product is aimed at reducing energy costs by preventing hot or cold air from entering the home via the ceiling exhaust fan.

Made entirely from recyclable, fire retardant materials, the DraftStoppa is simple to install, requires little maintenance and can be fitted over most standard exhaust fans in new homes as well as being retro-fitted into established homes.

Prevents hot or cold air entering from the roof cavity Prevents polluted air or cooking smells from entering into other parts of the home or workplace Exceeds the Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria ‘First Rate’ energy rating performance level requirements for a totally self sealing exhaust fan Is economically priced and adapts to most major ceiling exhaust fans.


EP-FANSEAL Lightweight, fire-resistant polycarbonate 350mm 5 Years


  • Keeps the cool air in and the hot air out
  • Lightweight polycarbonate constrution
  • Fire resistant
  • Can be installed from inside the house (no ceiling access required)
  • Compliance VEET, REES, ESC lab tested